Adeline Siew is editor for Pharmaceutical Technology Europe. She is also science editor for Pharmaceutical Technology.
December 04, 2014
No evidence that Fluad vaccine caused deaths in Italy, says EMA.
Generic drug manufacturing is no longer the only driver for growth in India's pharmaceutical market as more companies start investing in R&D.
December 02, 2014
Indian manufacturers are moving towards high-value, low-volume work, with complex chemistry and intellectual property challenges.
October 30, 2014
Gerresheimer, a company with expertise in pharmaceutical and medical technology, announced that it is applying an integrated mold qualification and validation concept for a fast and cost-efficient time-to-market. The company notes that this approach provides process windows for reliable large-scale production and offers options for different deployment scenarios and qualification levels.
October 06, 2014
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe spoke with Piero Iamartino, R&D director at Micro-Macinazione, about the role of micronization in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
October 02, 2014
Weighing the pros and cons of hot-melt extrusion and spray drying.