Adeline Siew is editor for Pharmaceutical Technology Europe. She is also science editor for Pharmaceutical Technology.
November 02, 2016
A dissolution method should have adequate discriminatory power to detect formulation changes that affect the dissolution rate of a drug product.
The proliferation of counterfeit medicines is nothing new to pharma; however, the scale of the problem seems to be escalating.
October 05, 2016
Contract service providers stay competitive by increasing the capacity and efficiency of their manufacturing activities.
October 02, 2016
Excipients play a crucial role in the manufacturing of solid-dosage forms and the performance of the finished drug product.
September 02, 2016
Pricing of a lifesaving allergy treatment raises concerns.
September 01, 2016
Sound process understanding and having effective controls in place are crucial in ensuring that consistent product quality is obtained during API manufacturing.