May 01, 2005
While Europe's political leaders were paying lip-service to creating a more competitive Europe at their spring summit in Brussels, European pharmaceutical technologists were tackling the serious business of turning political rhetoric into practical reality.
April 01, 2005
The EU is trying to bring some clearer definition to the borders of its pharmaceutical legislation...
March 22, 2005
If the EU wants to be taken seriously by researchers, it has to start delivering on a climate that really aids research...
December 01, 2004
Defenders of the research-based industry are hoping for an early Christmas present from the European Court of Justice (ECJ). All the signs are that a small but significant victory is on the way against parallel importing. Right at the end of October, a senior judge responsible for a leading case at the court made clear his view that international drug firms do not necessarily have to make life easy for parallel importers. The formal ruling on the case at issue is expected within weeks.
September 01, 2004
In Europe ... the onward rush of time has imposed no change at all during the last 25 years. Anyone could step back in at any point, at any moment, and find the same depressingly familiar debates, interminably failing to reach any real conclusions.
May 01, 2004
What Medawar is calling for is "an overhaul of the secretive and profoundly inadequate system of medicines control," and hopes the unfolding crisis of dependency on antidepressants will prove to be a watershed.