Cynthia A. Challener is a contributing editor to Pharmaceutical Technology.
August 14, 2013
Synthesis of tetracycline derivatives with novel substituents has been challenging. Using an approach based on a Michael-Dieckmann reaction, new compounds with enhanced antibiotic properties are now being prepared on a large scale.
July 18, 2013
Pharmaceutical industry restructuring has created different strategies for drug manufacturers to consider in managing surplus laboratory and manufacturing assets.
For both small- and large-molecule applications, advances in mass spectrometry are leading to interest in this technique as an alternative to liquid chromatography.
July 02, 2013
New routes enable the efficient synthesis of enantiopure sulfinamides and structurally and sterically diverse P-chiral phosphine oxides.
Risk management guides decisions in facility design and operation for highly potent drugs.
Understanding the supply-chain challenge and coupling high-efficiency chromatographic techniques with information-rich detectors are leading to improvements in the management of extractables and leachables in parenteral drugs.