Partner at Jacobs Wyper Architects, 1232 Chancellor St., Philadelphia, PA, 19107, tel: 215.985.0400, www.jacobswyper.com.
September 02, 2016
Renovating a facility requires careful design and a plan to minimize production interruption.
June 02, 2016
Different types of modular systems have advantages and disadvantages.
March 02, 2016
Choosing the right facility size requires tailoring the design for current needs as well as anticipating the future.
December 02, 2015
All openings and potential apertures for air penetration must be considered when designing a cleanroom so that the HVAC system can maintain the desired negative or positive pressure.
September 02, 2015
Creating closed processes and reducing room air classification in a biopharmaceutical facility can reduce operational costs.
June 02, 2015
Clearly defined zones of cleanliness must be designed and maintained to prevent product contamination.