November 01, 2008
The authors describe a novel approach for the integrity testing of large sterile filter systems such as multiround housings and describe a multipoint diffusion test capable of detecting minor failures.
May 01, 2007
Pre-use integrity testing of sterilizing-grade filters eliminates the potential adverse effects of filter loading on the integrity-test results, allowing unambiguous correlation with the integrity-test specification established during filter-validation studies.
January 02, 2007
Pore-size ratings are so unrelated to actual dimensions and so subject to anomalous interpretations as to make substantial dependency upon their values an unwise choice. Moreover, the means of measuring them are questionable. The pore-size rating system at best provides a qualitative differentiation.
May 01, 2006
Model organisms are useful when validating sterile filtration, but successful retention of the model organism does not always guarantee that effluent is sterile. The authors explore the various factors that influence sterile filtration.
March 02, 2006
The authors encourage the investigation into whether the occurrence of grow-through and the diminution in the size of certain organisms when in contact with given liquids are the same phenomenon manifested under different circumstances.
February 01, 2006
The regulating authorities have, it seems, a preference for the application of multimembrane combinations to maximize organism retentions.