Michelle Hoffman, editorial director of Pharmaceutical Technology.
February 02, 2008
Can an overload of patent applications lead to the US' demise as a scientific leader?
Text sirtuins are the new kinases, according to a presentation given last month at the JP Healthcare Investors Conference in San Francisco by Sirtis CEO Christoph Westphal.
January 02, 2008
The most significant early-stage discovery to hit the journals in late 2007 were the dual announcements from two independent research groups that they turned adult human skin cells into cells with properties that are seemingly identical with human embryonic stem (hES) cells.
Fixing FDA lies in the hands of the government, but is the president-to-be paying attention?
December 02, 2007
Drug makers, drug inspectors, and drug consumers need to demand that new drugs be effective.
"May you live in interesting times," goes the allegedly ancient Chinese curse. Well, these have been "interesting times" indeed for those working in the pharmaceutical industry.