Mike Hennessy Jr. is the President and CEO of MJH Life Sciences.
June 02, 2023
COVID-19 has raised the specter of pandemic planning and the question of what can be done now to prevent future disaster.
May 02, 2023
The engine that drives pharmaceuticals forward, its workforce, is now very low on fuel.
April 02, 2023
Direct-to-consumer drug advertising has developed as a cottage industry which has been used to increase prescriptions immensely.
March 02, 2023
That wave beginning to crash over PhRMA’s gunwales may well emanate from a startup mindset, rather than Big Pharma or government policy pundits.
February 02, 2023
The restraint to not target solely the major disease groups has provided good proportion and balance for our industry.
January 02, 2023
Cell and gene therapies is unequivocally viewed as the biggest opportunity in the bio/pharma space.