Nathan Jessop is a columnist for Pharmaceutical Technology Europe.
July 01, 2012
Parallel trade has frustrated pharmaceutical manufacturers for years and now evidence has linked such trade to drug shortages in Europe. Parallel trade representatives have yet to respond, but will need to react quickly to salvage their reputation.
June 01, 2012
The globalisation of clinical trials is putting pressure on the European Medicines Agency.
May 01, 2012
As the French Presidential campaign is underway, and politicians collaborate with businesses to revive a flagging economy, the pharmaceutical industry seizes the chance to lobby for equitable taxation to give the sector a much-needed boost.
April 01, 2012
Greece’s economic crisis has battered the country’s healthcare system, resulting in medicine shortages, market withdrawals and falling profits for the pharma industry.
March 01, 2012
Traditionally more prevalent in less industrialised regions, counterfeit medicines are now more frequently entering the heavily regulated supply chains of EU countries.
February 01, 2012
The scandal surrounding Servier's diabetes drug, Mediator, continues to unravel in France and could have implications for the whole pharmaceutical industry as the country scrutinises its regulatory systems.