Sean Milmo is a freelance writer based in Essex, UK.
December 02, 2018
EMA’s relocation to Amsterdam and resulting staff losses could severely weaken the agency’s role as a leading medicines regulator.
September 02, 2017
EMA recognizes that a regulatory framework, under which medicines and diagnostics are developed and approved independently, may not be ideal.
August 02, 2017
EMA recognizes the need to provide more assistance and guidance to SMEs developing new medicines and applying for marketing authorizations.
July 02, 2017
Greater transparency and reliability of information are needed in the quality assessments of biosimilars.
June 02, 2017
The impact of Brexit on the European drug approval regulatory framework presents challenges for EMA.
May 08, 2017
Many pharmaceutical companies are sceptical about IDMP despite the business benefits and its contribution to patient safety.