Rita Peters is the former editorial director of Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, and BioPharm International.
February 02, 2014
ISPE and PDA take on the challenge of recommending quality metrics.
January 17, 2014
The critically acclaimed television show Breaking Bad told the tales of a high school chemistry teacher who, after a diagnosis of advanced cancer, started a methamphetamine laboratory in order to support his family. While this is not the career path the chemical industry wants to endorse, the popular show did demonstrate applied science in action. At InformEx 2014, Donna Nelson, professor of organic chemistry at the University of Oklahoma and a scientific advisor for the program, will discuss her role in the program.
January 15, 2014
A survey of BioPharm International readers found that single-use systems and other technologies are driving process efficiencies in biomanufacturing, but there is room for improvement.
January 07, 2014
While the Affordable Care Act, Pope Francis, and the government shutdown were top general news stories in 2013, the bio/pharmaceutical industry had its own headlines.
January 03, 2014
Generics, market dynamics, and global demand are changing drug-spending patterns.
January 02, 2014
Generics, market dynamics, and global demand are changing drug spending patterns.