Sean Milmo is a freelance writer based in Essex, UK.
September 02, 2020
The 2020–2025 EMRN strategy will be regularly reviewed over the coming five years to accommodate science and technology advances.
August 02, 2020
EU regulators are requesting more effective action be taken to tackle serious impurities in APIs and finished products.
February 02, 2019
Various groups and stakeholders from pharma, healthcare, and government are responding to a new draft environmental risk assessment guidance from EMA.
November 12, 2018
Pharma companies are concerned they may have to postpone plans for the commercialization of new combination products because of delays in obtaining marketing authorizations because of a lack of clarity about approval rules.
October 02, 2018
A European task force outlines its upcoming efforts to combat drug shortages.
September 02, 2018
The European Commission’s proposed amendment on SPC waivers has sparked opposing views from drug originators and producers of generic drugs and biosimilars.