Sean Milmo is a freelance writer based in Essex, UK.
February 02, 2018
Greater clarity and harmonization in ATMP regulations are needed to promote the development and commercialization of these therapies.
January 02, 2018
The repercussions of EMA’s relocation and Brexit will continue to be the dominant regulatory issue throughout 2018.
December 02, 2017
The European Commission’s effort to relax supplementary protection certificates to help generic-drug makers and biosimilars producers has sparked strong opposition from the research-based pharmaceutical sector.
November 02, 2017
The shift toward continuous manufacturing among European pharmaceutical manufacturers has not been accompanied by a similar strong increase in the use of automation and sensor-based on-line monitoring.
October 02, 2017
The European Commission is striving to tackle environmental pollution by pharmaceuticals as a means of curbing antimicrobial resistance.
December 02, 2016
Better co-ordination within and between regions is needed to improve the global regulation of medicines, according to the European Medicines Agency.