Sean Milmo is a freelance writer based in Essex, UK.
October 02, 2015
The complexity of new packaging regulations laid out in the Falsified Medicines Directive could threaten the existence of smaller pharma and packaging companies.
September 02, 2015
EU and US regulators are striving to work together on improving GMP inspection efficiencies and avoiding duplication of efforts.
August 02, 2015
The trend towards personalized medicines in Europe requires a more integrated framework that regulates the approval of devices and diagnostics.
July 02, 2015
The European Union has a challenging task ahead as it strives to harmonize regulations on advanced therapy medicinal products.
June 02, 2015
The pharmaceutical industry wants to speed up the variations process by eliminating redundant assessment by different national agencies in the European Union.
May 31, 2015
The restructuring of the International Conference on Harmonization, which is expected to begin in late 2015, could have a significant impact on the way pharmaceutical regulations are harmonized worldwide.