Pharmaceutical Technology Europe
July 01, 2008
Talking Point
Last year, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain held a consultation regarding how the profession should develop during the next 12 years. An analysis of the results has just been published.1 It comes as no surprise to anyone who teaches pharmaceutics at UK pharmacy departments that one popular suggestion was to change the indicative syllabus so that it would focus more on clinical topics as opposed to scientific ones.
July 01, 2008
At first glance, the title of this article may bring a wry smile to the face of many an astute practitioner, but I can provide 'documentary evidence' that free validation is not a just a play on words, but a financial reality.
July 01, 2008
Outsourcing review
Despite high ambitions for its pharmaceutical and biotech sectors, South Korea still faces a number of hurdles against competing internationally.
July 01, 2008
Regulatory Report
Nasal drug delivery depends on many factors, including the conditions of use by the patient, the drug formulation, and the spray pump and aerosol characteristics. In recent years, the types of drug administered via the nasal route have expanded from locally acting drugs, such as those for allergic rhinitis, to delicate molecules for systemic activity, such as vaccines, proteins and peptides, which can be difficult to administer noninvasively. While the nasal cavity provides a delivery pathway for these large molecules, the rate of mucociliary clearance in the nasal cavity may hinder the extent of absorption. Therefore, formulators must develop mechanisms that improve absorption for high molecular weight compounds.
July 01, 2008
The introduction of biomolecules into cells is a key technology for research in biological sciences.
July 01, 2008
As summer approaches, the European pharmaceutical industry is preparing for a well-deserved break. However, some will leave the arena on a higher note than others. While big pharma is embracing the globalization of the industry and suffering under extreme pressure to improve performance, the biopharmaceutical sector retires with a smile and reasons to celebrate.
July 01, 2008
Regulatory Report
How can any company be sure that the standards that suppliers might claim to operate, and might be able to demonstrate from time to time, are actually being practised all the time?
July 01, 2008
Aseptic Equioment
Hood, suit, faceplate, cover shoes, gloves: these are the necessary items of clothing when operating in A-and B-grade areas.
July 01, 2008
... profit margins in ophthalmology are very attractive and the market is increasing as the incidence of eye disease grows with the ageing population.