Pharmaceutical Technology-05-02-2006

Pharmaceutical Technology

In the Loop: Continuous Chromatography for Chiral (and Other) Separations

May 02, 2006




With single-enantiomer separations dominating the blockbuster charts, simulated moving bed chromatography and other multicolumn continuous chromatographic processes offer a quick route to clinical trial materials, along with the resolution, economy, and scalability to support tons-per-year production.

An Approach Using Bezier Curves to Control pH and Decrease Enzyme Inactivity

May 02, 2006




Using Bezier curves, an experimental process controller has been developed for biosynthesis applications in which the inactivity of a pH-sensitive enzyme must be decreased. By taking into account various control scenarios of pH and growth rate, as well as the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment, a suitable human-machine interface can be developed.

Making it Personal

May 02, 2006

This Time Around



At this year's BIO conference, US Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt predicted that over the coming decade, "Medicine will be transformed from an instinctive art of alleviating symptoms to a science of personalized healthcare." Is industry ready?

May 2006

May 02, 2006

In the Field



Gottlieb challenges industry. First GenerationNext Awards. Implementing PAT. Optimizing site risk. RFID in the supply chain. Biodegradable polyketals. Global drug-market growth moderates.