Pharmaceutical Technology-10-01-2001

Pharmaceutical Technology

Film Coating with Aqueous Latex Dispersions

October 01, 2001


2001 Supplement


The authors provide an overview of formulating latex dispersions with pigments for the film coating of solid dosage forms, including factors such as regulation, methods for assessing stability, and surface chemistry.

From the Formulator to the Tablet Manufacturing Floor: Desiderata and Troubleshooting

October 01, 2001


2001 Supplement


Tablet manufacturers often overlook critical basic concepts or established practices. The author draws from his own experiences and discusses how solid dosage manufacturers can improve production and product quality by optimizing major unit operations.

A Novel Compression-Coated Tablet Dosage Form

October 01, 2001


2001 Supplement


The authors modified a three-layer press to operate a compression-coated tablet process that may offer several advantages over tradditional compression coating operations.