PTSM: Pharmaceutical Technology Sourcing and Management-02-04-2009

PTSM: Pharmaceutical Technology Sourcing and Management

Cambrex Keeps Focus on Small Molecules

February 04, 2009

Pharma Partner Focus



Cambrex CEO Steve Klosk looks to higher valued-added segments such as high-potency actives, controlled substances, and drug-delivery technologies to drive growth.

Informex Report: Contract Manufacturers Expand

February 04, 2009

Contract Manufacturing



Several contract manufacturers announced capacity and service expansions at InformEx, the exhibition of custom and batch manufacturers, held in San Francisco, last week.

Implications of the Pending Pfizer-Wyeth Mega Merger

February 04, 2009

Global Feature



The pending merger of Pfizer and Wyeth provides Pfizer with greater strategic diversification, particularly in biologics, but only minimally addresses its generics exposure in the near term.