January 11, 2016
Shire’s acquisition of Baxalta creates a leading company for rare disease drugs.
January 07, 2016
FDA approved 45 novel new drugs in 2015, the highest number of approvals since 1996 and second-highest ever.
The Office of Prescription Drug Promotion issues all-time low number of violation letters in 2015.
January 06, 2016
SCORR Marketing and Applied Clinical Trials release the results of EU clinical trials survey.
The Cell Therapy Catapult, University of Birmingham, and Cancer Research Technology collaborate on CAR-T cell immuno-oncology therapy development.
January 04, 2016
BioPharm highlights the monoclonal antibodies that may gain United States regulatory approval in 2016.
January 02, 2016
The revised USP Chapter 1207 gives best practices for obtaining reliable data in container closure integrity testing.
December 17, 2015
The National Institutes of Health released a strategic plan covering the fiscal years 2016-2020.
December 16, 2015
The new arrangement draws from a consignment approach, in which Walgreens will sell-but not directly own-Valeant’s products.
December 15, 2015
Sanofi enters into exclusive negotiations with Boehringer Ingelheim on a business asset swap.