July 08, 2020
The acquisition will give the CDMO additional clinical filling options in Europe, which is expected to come online in 2021.
May 19, 2020
HHS announces $354 million in funding for private industry to manufacture generic drugs in the US from raw materials to finished product.
April 30, 2020
Catalent and Johnson & Johnson announce joint investment and tech transfer to prepare for rapid scale-up and segregated cGMP commercial manufacturing capacity.
April 23, 2020
Catalent Biologics increased capacity at its Bloomington, IN Facility.
April 15, 2020
Civica Rx plans redundant manufacturing capacity to relieve and prevent shortages of generic, sterile injectable drugs.
April 02, 2020
Considering the potential interaction of a drug with the delivery device early on in in development is integral to achieving the best combination.
The new molecules entering the development pipeline are bringing forth exciting challenges in drug delivery.
March 02, 2020
Understanding of scale-up parameters and use of process analytical technology are important to meet demand for larger batch sizes.
February 01, 2020
CDMOs must consider challenges associated with the complexity of contract pharmaceutical manufacturing when approaching digitalization projects.
January 09, 2020
Phillips-Medisize has announced that it is expanding its current Global Innovation and Development (GID) site in Struer, Denmark, to include a dedicated manufacturing development and clinical build unit.