Advancements in personalized medicine and other innovations are transforming the way dosage forms are viewed.
This study aimed to develop a taste-masked drug resin complex using the ion exchange resin Kyron T-114.
Novel genetic engineering technologies are transforming the design and manufacture of bispecific antibodies, which are emerging as a promising new class of biologics.
April 03, 2015
GlaxoSmithKline announces global vaccines research and design facility to be based in Rockville, MD, USA.
April 02, 2015
Industry awaits the final revision of USP General Chapter and the impact it will have on the evaluation of sterile product package integrity.
Efficient freeze-drying processes result in time and energy savings, reduced failure rates, and improved batch consistency.
Quality-by-design tools improve efficiency in scale-up of pharmaceutical processes.
In-silico design facilitates process optimization and evaluation of process control strategies.
NIH announced positive safety results from the vaccine, VSV-ZEBOV, and found that all patients in the study experienced a strong antibody response.
The Human Microbiome Project has increased our understanding of the relationship between humans and microorganisms. The authors offer a new perspective on how this knowledge should be considered in setting standards for pharmaceutical quality control in microbiology.
A drug-product manufacturing classification system (MCS) for oral solid-dosage forms is proposed by an Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences working group.
In this article, industry experts discuss critical analyses for demonstrating biosimilarity.
FDA approves a biosimilar and loses a commissioner in March.