Advancements in personalized medicine and other innovations are transforming the way dosage forms are viewed.
This study aimed to develop a taste-masked drug resin complex using the ion exchange resin Kyron T-114.
Novel genetic engineering technologies are transforming the design and manufacture of bispecific antibodies, which are emerging as a promising new class of biologics.
September 09, 2014
PDA will publish a technical report on quality risk management aspects of drug shortages in early 2015.
September 05, 2014
PDA surveys are designed to evaluate quality metrics practices at member organizations.
FDA gives NewLink Genetics approval to proceed to Phase 1 clinical studies of Ebola vaccine.
September 03, 2014
Conventional tablets may no longer be the go-to solution.
September 02, 2014
Advances in engineered particles and the subsequent reduction in the API mass required to achieve a therapeutic dose can lead to a reduction in side effects.
The role of add-on devices and how they affect drug delivery with a pressurized metered dose inhaler.
September 01, 2014
A surge in generic drug applications is testing FDA?s ability to reduce the backlog of ANDAs.
August 29, 2014
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases will begin the first in a series of trials for an Ebola vaccine during the week of Sept. 1.
August 15, 2014
Concerns about quality in overseas production may bring generic drug production back to the United States, concludes CPhI study.
August 07, 2014
The European system for assessing drugs will be used as a model internationally.