September 01, 2011
We're all familiar with traditional pills and medicines, but how about medicated chewing gum? Marc Ribe of Cafosa Gum explains how APIs can be incorporated into a novel dosage form that can aid patient compliance.
April 01, 2011
The authors examine an oral-absorption-enhancement technology based on surface-active materials to increase apical membrane fluidity in vitro.
September 01, 2009
The authors describe the various available technologies used in orally disintegrating tablets.
July 02, 2009
The authors review various oral drug delivery systems that have been explored to increase patient compliance for insulin.
May 02, 2005
The authors review the solution and powder properties of polyethylene oxide and its various applications in hydrogels and hydrophilic matrix systems.
April 02, 2004
The authors investigate whether an extrusion-spheronization proces can be used to develop a matrix-based, controlled-release formulation for a highly water-soluble drug.
September 02, 2003
The study presented in this article used a controlled-porosity osmotic pump, which was prepared in the form of a bilayered tablet containing a drug compartment and an osmogen layer for the delayed release of diltiazem HCI.
October 02, 2001
Insulin is one of the most popular proteins to be studied for oral delivery. The authors review the current status of the development strategies of insulin drug delivery systems, the various challenges associated with these systems, and how these challenges may be overcome.