February 11, 2010
Personalized medicine is still a nascent area for pharmaceutical companies, but several large companies recently reported developments in this area.
GSK Chief Executive Andrew Witty outlined the company's strategic priorities for 2010, which include further diversification into emerging markets, consumer healthcare, and vaccines.
Margaret Hamburg, commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, unveiled a new program to improve the efficiency of import inspections.
VaxGen Shareholders Reject OXiGENE Merger; Roche Creates Research Hub In Singapore; And More.
February 04, 2010
Pfizer's first updated pipeline since its acquisition of Wyeth includes fewer projects than before and is targeted to specific diseases.
Cephalon Buys Mepha; BASi's CEO Retires; and More.
AstraZeneca announced this week that it plans to undertake further restructuring in its research and development operations, resulting in the elimination of 3500 jobs.
February 02, 2010
The author discusses how the use of a visible residue limit has made the 10-ppm cleaning limit obsolete in many applications.
Sharing too much-or too little-information can have disastrous onsequences.
As contract manufacturers and drug companies meet at Informex, the stage is set for the latest in pharmaceutical chemical development.