February 02, 2013
Even in an industry in which all product development is complicated by the intricacies of human biology, orally inhaled products (OIP) stand out as singularly demanding.
November 01, 2012
New systems that combine Raman spectroscopy with automated imaging support the efficient gathering of such data, including information concerning size and shape distributions for individual components within a formulation.
November 01, 2011
The authors discuss the analysis of the resulting data, focusing on methods for the calculation of mass median aerodynamic diameter, one of the metrics routinely used for comparative testing.
November 01, 2010
The author reviews key considerations for formulating powders for use in inhalers. This article is part of a special Drug Delivery issue.
October 31, 2010
Although there are no regulatory requirements or established pharmacopoeial techniques for the dissolution testing of inhaled drugs, such testing can potentially open up the opportunity to tailor formulation properties.
July 21, 2010
The pharmaceutical industry?s increasing interest in inhaled drugs has prompted several researchers to propose standard dissolution-testing methods for these products.
April 22, 2010
After several years of debate and review, the US Food and Drug Administration is calling for the removal of metered-dose inhalers.
November 01, 2009
Mark Copley discusses the methods used for DPI testing and the challenges presented by the current regulatory framework.
October 30, 2009
An inhaler mouthpiece that optimizes drug delivery to the lungs and reduces the amount of wasted medication has been developed by US researchers.
October 01, 2009
Formoterol presents formulators and manufacturers in the asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease marketplace many challenges.