Contract service providers must step up their game to stay competitive in increasingly complex bio/pharma market.
The need for preclinical testing expertise is growing as molecular complexity increases.
A look at the newest innovations offers a deeper understanding of affinity ligands and their role in the future of downstream processing.
April 15, 2020
Civica Rx plans redundant manufacturing capacity to relieve and prevent shortages of generic, sterile injectable drugs.
April 07, 2020
Characterizing and controlling protein aggregation is vital to ensure safety and efficacy of a biopharmaceutical product. In this interview, important aspects of protein aggregation and the tools available to address this issue are discussed.
April 02, 2020
More sustainable and functional packaging protects temperature-sensitive drugs.
Considering the potential interaction of a drug with the delivery device early on in in development is integral to achieving the best combination.
The new molecules entering the development pipeline are bringing forth exciting challenges in drug delivery.
Risk assessments, audits, and good communication between sponsor and supplier are key elements of supplier oversight.
But are innovations sufficient to increase adoption? CMOs are demanding better continuous bioprocessing options.
March 30, 2020
Pre-clinical immunization studies of iBio’s SARS-CoV-2 VLP candidates are being performed by Texas A&M.
March 28, 2020
AzarGen’s biosimilar, made in iBio’s plant-based system, will be compared to the original molecule in pre-clinical studies.