August 07, 2017
Featuring software, parallel automated reactors, and other tools designed to facilitate design of experiments, development of the design space, and better process understanding and control, the Hyderabad facility came online on July 20
August 02, 2017
Characterization of the product and process is key for process development and scale-up of topical drug manufacturing using a QbD approach.
August 01, 2017
The CPhI expert panel predicted in past annual reports the advancement of QbD, continuous processing, and a rise in FDA warning letters.
July 12, 2017
A recent paper coauthored by FDA’s Lawrence Yu and Michael Kopcha describes how the industry might modernize drug manufacturing.
April 18, 2017
In implementing quality by design for drug formulation, it is crucial to identify the critical properties of excipients and understand how their variation affects the final drug product.
April 02, 2017
The authors present the results of a survey of small- and large-molecule pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies on implementation of Analytical quality by design concepts.
January 09, 2017
The European Pharmacopoeia Commission adopted a chapter on chemical imaging for analytical development, quality control, and manufacturing.
December 15, 2016
The commission concluded its P4Bio pilot phase with the adoption of the monograph for etanercept.
December 07, 2016
The integration of a method validation, transfer, and verification process into the overall lifecycle management process of a product can best align the variability of the analytical procedure with the requirements of the product.
November 29, 2016
The commission approved future plans, appointed members, and adopted texts during its November 2016 session.