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Aprecia Pharmaceuticals' new facility in Ohio will create 150 jobs.
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals announced on Feb. 23, 2015, that the company will open a new manufacturing facility in Ohio that will use its powder–liquid three-dimensional printing (3DP) technology. The company's ZipDose platform enables delivery of high dosage levels in a rapidly dispersing form created using 3DP. In December 2014, FDA accepted the company's first new drug application using the ZipDose technology, and the company has three additional products in its pipeline.
“Having evaluated a number of options for reaching our long-term commercial manufacturing goals, Aprecia believes that the state-of-the-art facility in Blue Ash, Ohio, is particularly well suited to showcase our proprietary 3DP technology platform,” said Don Wetherhold, Aprecia’s CEO, in a press release. “The facility has ample space to accommodate our proprietary manufacturing machines and equipment assemblies in the capacity necessary to achieve our projected commercial production volumes well into the future.”
Aprecia plans to invest $25 million in a 190,000-ft2 facility, and the facility will create approximately 150 new jobs. The new facility will be in addition to the company's existing manufacturing and R&D facility in New Jersey. Aprecia plans to move into the building in the next few months.
Source: Aprecia Pharmaceuticals