CPHI Milan 2024: The Role of Excipients in Pharmaceuticals

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Pharmaceutical Technology® Europe sat down with Vinod Tuliani, Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Roquette, to talk about new developments in the use of excipients in dosage forms and methods of delivery.


Pharmaceutical Technology®Europe sat down with Vinod Tuliani, Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Roquette, to talk about new developments in the use of excipients in dosage forms and methods of delivery. Tuliani discusses how the industry is working on new delivery forms for biologics and how this impacts excipient producers.

Regarding methods of delivery, Tuliani points to oral delivery as a focus for Roquette. “The biggest area really for us is in oral delivery, simply because there's a measure of convenience with oral delivery. People would rather take a tablet or a capsule rather than, you know, have to take an injection, which is, I think, common across the world. So clearly, we are very active in the area of oral delivery.”

New delivery methods for biologics are important for both patients and manufacturers, says Tuliani. “I think it's a huge plus for customers and patients, if they're able to obtain some of these medications through a route that's not injectable; certainly, people who have to take repeated injections would much prefer an oral delivery mechanism. We have been working on oral delivery systems for proteins and peptides, and we have been making good progress in that area, using conventional formulations, but delivered in a new way,” says Tuliani. “There's a lot of excitement in the field of delivery of proteins and peptides through alternate means.”

Click the above video to watch the full interview.

Visit Roquette at Booth 6A58. CPHI Milan is being held from October 8–10, 2024 in Milan, Italy.