EMA Implements the Next Phase in its Relocation Plan

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The European Medicines Agency has announced that its physical relocation to Amsterdam will be complete in March 2019.

The European Medicines Agency has announced that its physical relocation to Amsterdam will be complete in March 2019 and it has implemented phase four of its business continuity plan (BCP) accordingly.

Earlier this month (Jan. 9, 2019), the temporary location for the agency, the Spark building, in Amsterdam was officially handed over to Guido Rasi, EMA’s executive director, by the Dutch authorities. Now, EMA has started preparations for the physical move from London to Amsterdam, which involves the application of the next phase of its BCP to ensure continuity of main activities throughout the move.

In a Jan. 23, 2019 press statement, EMA noted that its focus will be on the “authorization, maintenance, and supervision of medicines, ongoing Brexit preparedness/implementation activities, and preparing for the implementation of the new veterinary legislation (highest priority-category 1 activities).” Further activities, other than category 1 activities, have been set out and prioritized by the agency and include initiatives for both human health and animal health. A full list is available on EMA’s website.

These restrictions on activities are expected to allow the agency to continue to work through the move and also cope with the anticipated loss in staff, which is currently estimated to be approximately 25% of its total workforce. Once the move has completed, in April 2019, EMA will review any other activities that may be continued in the latter half of 2019.

Some important dates to note are:

·      Mar. 1, 2019-EMA will leave its London, UK offices

·      Mar. 4, 2019-EMA’s new address will officially be European Medicines Agency, Domenico Scarlattilaan 6, 1083 HS Amsterdam, The Netherlands (the permanent building)

·      Mar. 4–8, 2019-EMA will work on basis of extended teleworking


·      Mar. 11–15, 2019-EMA staff to gradually move into the Spark building

·      Nov. 15, 2019-permanent new address expected to be fully functional

·      Dec. 31, 2019-all EMA staff to be relocated to permanent building.

Progress on the move can be monitored via 


Source: EMA