Live from Intephex 2012: The State of the Outsourcing Industry

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Jim Miller of PharmSource gave a keynote talk this week at Interphex 2012 in New York City on the state of the industry’s outsourcing environment.

Published by Angie Drakulich on May 2, 2012 03:12 am under Industry conferences, Outsourcing

Jim Miller of PharmSource gave a keynote talk this week at Interphex 2012 in New York City on the state of the industry’s outsourcing environment. Miller is also a member of the PharmTech Editorial Advisory Board. Below are a few highlights from his talk.


  • Favorable tax provisions in the UK, Ireland, Hungary, and Singapore are leading to industry growth in those areas

  • 80% of outsourced clinical research goes to preferred providers

  • Key growth areas and investment areas for Big Pharma are leaning towards niche/orphan products, biologics, and emerging markets

  • The greatest threat to the outsourcing environment is not emerging markets, but rather new technologies and requirements

  • API/dose one stop shops are growing

Overall, he noted that the industry is slowly consolidating while CMOs  face new pressures and new business models. CMOs throughout the show confirmed that they are being asked more and more for quality based, risk based approaches, as well as for flexible facilities and processes. Visit to see live videos from the show. You can also view Jim Miller’s full slide presentation here.

  • Industry is outsourcing mature technologies as well as specialized technologies, but keeping core foundational steps and knowledge in house