Meissner's Filtration System Allows Scalability

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Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology-10-02-2014, Volume 38, Issue 10

Filtration system allows scalability

Meissner’s new ALpHA G filter capsule is an absolute rated depth type prefilter that can be ordered sterile. The filter has been designed for a gamma irradiation cycle in a single-use system. It is scalable, with filter surface areas of 0.02 m2 to 2.5 m2. The ALpHA G filters do not require pre-rinse or post-rinse steps, or blow down steps for product recovery, and can be equipped with UltraSnap filter assembly, designed to accommodate processing requirements for flow rate, throughput, and retention ratings.

Meissner posted the ALpHA G "Green Doc," a comprehensive guide to product specifications, filter capsule configurations, effective filtration areas, filter integrity test procedures, and proper product installation guidance, on