Editors' picks of pharmaceutical science and technology innovations.
The aim of any pharmaceutical production line is to create high-quality products within certain specifications. Manufacturing equipment is designed with this goal in mind, but some devices perform additional tasks as well. This month's products illustrate how production equipment and information technology can protect personnel and patients in addition to manufacturing medicines. Continental Disc designed one of its rupture discs to provide workers with extra protection against overpressure conditions. Spiroflow offers a bulk-bag discharger that could help patients by preventing cross-contamination. Software from Oracle is intended to secure the supply chain and reduce the opportunity for diversion.
Rupture disc offers durability
The SANITRX HPX scored, reverse-acting rupture disc from Continental Disc (Liberty, MO) protects equipment, vessels, and personnel from overpressure conditions. Precise forming and scoring of the rupture disc's dome enables the SANITRX HPX product to withstand hundreds of thousands of pressure cycles from full vacuum to 95% of the stamped burst rating. A failure-initiating indentation near the apex of the disc's dome lowers the pressure at which reversal occurs, compared with other failure-initiating methods, and enables the disc to be made of sturdy materials that are less susceptible to damage, fatigue, and corrosion. The product's durability makes it suitable for use on steam sterilizers and purified-water systems.
The rupture disc is available with a 95% operating ratio and zero manufacturing range for high accuracy. A model with a 90% operating ratio and zero, –5%, or –10% manufacturing range is available for less demanding applications. The products are manufactured in various sizes with several materials, burst ratings, and gasket options.
SANITRX HPX rupture disc Continental Disc, www.contdisc.com
Software provides integrated serialization solution
Oracle (Redwood Shores, CA) designed its Pedigree and Serialization Manager to improve supply-chain integrity in the pharmaceutical industry. The system generates and stores serial numbers in compliance with international standards and allows companies to serialize products to the item level. The software tracks items as they are packaged and shipped, and generates a pedigree document to reflect the transactions. Thus, the application delivers clear visibility of the supply-chain areas through which the product has passed. In addition, the software's analytical dashboards enable personnel to monitor activities, transaction histories, and exceptions.
Pedigree and Serialization Manager Oracle, www.oracle.com
Discharger facilitates thorough cleaning
The Model T11 Bulk Bag Super Discharger from Spiroflow Systems (Monroe, NC) can be disassembled by two employees without tools and without the involvement of an engineer. The company created the discharger without pockets that could entrap dirt and dust. The unit's design thus facilitates thorough cleaning and helps prevent microbiological growth and cross-contamination.
The product's discharger frame comprises Z sections folded from stainless-steel sheet material. The smooth frame features easily cleaned radii and is available in bead-blast and mirror-polished finishes.
Model T11 Bulk Bag Super Discharger Spiroflow Systems, www.spiroflowsystems.com
The device's bag-lifting frame holds bags in place during discharge. Bag support arms are spring-loaded to stretch the bag and ensure the complete discharge of contents. In addition, a dust cabinet contains all ingredients during discharge. The bulk-bag neck is clamped to the inlet of the transfer hopper within the dust cabinet by a pharmaceutical quality, dust-tight seal that can be removed, cleaned, reassembled, and replaced.