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Dominic Warrino and John Perkins of KCAS will provide an overview of recent developments in the pharmaceutical and bioanalytical industries outside of what is being done to address COVID-19. They will also examine case studies looking at the scientific challenges that KCAS continues to see on a daily basis. Live: Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11am EDT | 8am PDT | 4pm BS T| 5pm CEST On demand available after airing until May 29, 2020 Register free
Register free: http://www.pharmtech.com/pt_w/going_on
Event Overview:
There has been concern amongst industry veterans that this pandemic and potential slowdown would follow the pattern of the recession in the last decade. However, the pharmaceutical industry is at the forefront of dealing with the challenges set by coronavirus and there has been considerable pharmaceutical company activity outside of the core drug development process. This presentation will provide an overview of recent developments in the pharmaceutical and bioanalytical industries outside of what is being done to address COVID-19. We will also include case studies looking at the scientific challenges that KCAS continues to see on a daily basis.
Key Learning Objectives
Speakers: John Perkins, PhD, Senior Scientific Officer, KCAS
Dominic Warrino, PhD, Senior Scientific Officer, KCAS
Time and Date: Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11am EDT | 8am PDT | 4pm BST | 5pm CEST
On demand available after airing until May 29, 2021.
Sponsor: KCAS Bioanalytical and Biomarker Services
Register free: http://www.pharmtech.com/pt_w/going_on