Michelle Logan, vice president of the drug product division for Thermo Fisher Scientific, talked about expanding capability to better serve customers in the OSD market.
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe spoke with Ali Rajabi-Siahboomi, vice president and chief innovation officer at Colorcon, about the evolution of coating design and how it has impacted investment, as well as innovations in packaging for oral solid dosage products.
Pharmaceutical Technology® Europe sat down with Hanns-Christian Mahler from ten23 health to discuss the fill/finish market and sustainability considerations for facilities.
Zaim Gashi, area sales manager of Steriline, discussed the evolution of aseptic processing equipment in line with current regulatory requirements at CPHI Milan.
Pharmaceutical Technology® Europe sat down with Vinod Tuliani, Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Roquette, to talk about new developments in the use of excipients in dosage forms and methods of delivery.
The winners of this year’s awards showcase achievements in pharma excellence.
European biotechs have had a strong year in 2024, causing those in the United States to increasingly look to them for innovation.
James Hamilton, president of Sharp Sterile, discussed innovation in products associated with sterile manufacturing and industry trends that are driving growth.
According to the annual survey, four of the five biggest biologics capacity holders in 2028 will comprise CMOs, which are expected to have 45% of all CMO capacity in Asia.